It’s been a crazy few weeks.

It’s been a crazy few weeks around here.

Last week, I was saying it’s been the week from hell. And then it hit me…It’s actually been the week from heaven because of all the miracles along the way that have saved my Daddy and my daughter, Reese.

To shorten two very long stories, my Daddy had surgery on December 5 that had serious complications. On Saturday, December 7, he ended up having another surgery and he has been slowly improving since then. He’s been in the ICU until last Saturday, and today he is finally coming home.

Then on Sunday a week ago, my daughter, Reese, went into anaphylactic shock at church after accidentally eating something with pecans in it. She and my husband got up and left the service right before our choir started the Christmas Cantata. Reese and I sing in the choir, and she wasn’t feeling well, so she decided to sit in the congregation. Since I was singing, I had no idea what was going on until after the service.

My husband ended up having to rush her to the ER, and carried her into the hospital as her throat was closing up. The incredible nurses and doctors at Perry Hospital saved her life, and to say we are thankful is an understatement. I hope we never experience that ever again.

This is my precious daughter, Reese.

We are appreciating life and all of the gifts we’ve been given. A true Christmas miracle.

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as everyone continues to heal and recover physically, emotionally and otherwise.

I just finished up my last commission and I’m taking off the rest of the year to spend with family.

I will talk to you again in January. It’s my Christmas prayer and wish that you and yours have the most wonderful holiday together and enjoy this life we’ve been given.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Lake Oconee Commission


What do you want me to paint?